Motherhood/ Parenting Algorithm…

‘Like all parents, my husband and I just do the best we can, and hold our breath, and hope we’ve set aside enough money to
pay for our kids’ therapy.’
-Michelle Pfeifer

Being a parent comes without instructions… We try to learn from the mistakes of our parents or those who have raised us. Learning is key. Children are constantly learning through us. They are listening- even though we don’t think they are. They are watching even when we least expect it. They understand more then we realize. And as every parent should know, we have to do our part and learn through each and every stage of our child’s development to find a better way of communicating and understanding their levels of growth and maturity.

Understanding your child is of the greatest importance not only to maintain trust but also respect. Being understood happens to be of the most importance to them as well. Any child who is understood is a child who is well grounded and has a much more healthier secure bond with you.
Motherhood has brought me so much joy. Even though there were moments that were quite trying for us and my daughter – and even though her father and I aren’t together, we have always worked together with her and securely remained grounded as a family unit when it comes to parenting. And never have forgotten to teach her to laugh and have fun along the way!
As a Mom I share my algorithm to all those who have embarked upon this quest, having the blessing and opportunity to be in this realm of motherhood and parenthood… remember we are all learning and the learning never ends- it’s imperative to know we are all imperfect, we can’t expect them to be nor our parenting to be as such. Time goes by so fast especially when you’re having fun-So, in those trying times that seem to last forever- don’t forget to have fun and never forget to laugh!!!

“Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don’t Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could Miss It.” – Ferris Bueller

Georgette Thomas 🌹

Published by georgettet1122

Therapeutic Art and Spiritual Life Coach, Guide and Consultant

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