My Pet Peeve makes me seethe…

A pet peeve comes from a root in which you may never uncover – or maybe you know the cause yet still allow it to effect you… nonetheless, the best and most effective way to respond when a pet peeve triggers, is through humor. Many view humor as an immature and foolish style of expression-Continue reading “My Pet Peeve makes me seethe…”

Just a night of poetry from a day of sorrows unto profound promises of peace under the moon and stars of divine embrace…

Just a night of poetry from a day of sorrows unto profound promises of peace under the moon and stars of divine embrace…To all a restful sleep❤️EnjoyGeorgette Thomas

Coach D’s Purpose Continues …

Darlene Domenica DeBellis has been inspirational for so many. And not only do I deeply appreciate her unbelievable loyalty and devotion as a friend- I am honored to have had the opportunity 2 years ago when she started this new path of life coaching and her online community, to write as she shared her story.Continue reading “Coach D’s Purpose Continues …”

Let’s continue…Kindness

Beautiful words from one of the most amazing and talented writers of our time, this world has had the honor to experience. And her words inspire, empower, enlighten and encourage… thats the mark she continues to make in my journey and in my world … especially within my most recent years.I have learned that withContinue reading “Let’s continue…Kindness”

Trapped in an…. Awkward Situation ?

Trapped in an…. Awkward situation ?Like being trapped in an elevator, many will engage in moments during the holidays when invited to social gatherings or events…not really sure who will be attending or perhaps you don’t know anyone at all. These situations can perspire anxiety and stress- soon being in a room full of others,Continue reading “Trapped in an…. Awkward Situation ?”

Delicious Ambiguity…

Ambiguity is the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness.  It’s something that is confusing or has more than one meaning… and everyone’s  perspective , as imperfect beings, we all digest or witness things differently. While we are closing into a new year, what new beginnings await? Have you thought about what youContinue reading “Delicious Ambiguity…”

Clash is Conflicting…

Clashing …. Ever meet someone you just didn’t understand? Perhaps you have been the one misunderstood? Well this is called a clash of personalities… and most often results in conflict. And as time goes on, you get a clearer understanding of what it is you’re facing…. In many cases, a personality conflict arises because ofContinue reading “Clash is Conflicting…”

Mosaic Masterpiece…

We are human. We are individuals upon our community, homes and families. We are like a mosaic work of art, each made up of unique and significant pieces.Different shapes, colors, ages and sizes put together is what makes a mosaic such a beautiful masterpiece.Respect is an unconditional understanding of those differences and imperfections. And toContinue reading “Mosaic Masterpiece…”

In the dark for way too long…

Have you ever lived too long in the dark?In our journey we face so many obstacles- internally and externally. Some have dealt with abuse/neglect in their childhood leading into abusive behaviors and relationships with themselves unto others, into their adulthood. Now living a present circumstance on behalf of the choices and decisions that were harmfulContinue reading “In the dark for way too long…”

Comfort Zone to Twilight Zone…

The Twilight Zone, a fierce and frightening world of the unknown… “Science fiction makes the implausible possible, while science fantasy makes the impossible plausible. You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You’re moving into a landContinue reading “Comfort Zone to Twilight Zone…”

Saying nothing yet everything…

The body understands and values touch but most importantly, the body remembers and reacts accordingly to touch and the emotions following tied to those moments- good or bad, the body never forgets.  Holding hands with your child gives you and them the sense of security and safety not only in the mind but also restsContinue reading “Saying nothing yet everything…”

Archetypes are not labels…

In life coaching we often put aside labels…however many of us have created a way to help bring awareness and acknowledgement to our clients through what we call ‘archetypes.’  The archetypes I use were created solely by myself and through massive personal experience and research- which were then created only to enlighten and empower anContinue reading “Archetypes are not labels…”

Art.. how do you begin?

How do you begin…?Art is a way to express/communicate with yourself unto others with what’s suppressed, abandoned, hidden or neglected within. Do you Journal?Most people find that writing is the best form – therapeutically. Journaling, diaries, writing, lyrics/songs, poems are ways to express emotions through experiences. It tells a story- your story, and everyone hasContinue reading “Art.. how do you begin?”

Authentic bond with your-‘self’…

If you would actually get a wake up call what would it say?  Wake up call: “Hello it’s me, may I talk to self?”  Now-How would you reply? And what would you talk about? If you could have a conversation with you- what would you want to know? Maybe it’s ‘Time’ to make that call, answerContinue reading “Authentic bond with your-‘self’…”

The sum up of a ‘To Do List’ -what’s your bigger picture ?

We have a to do list sometimes written or calculated in our minds of what our daily, monthly and yearly outlook..Structured, itemized, prioritized…And calendars, alarms, notifications become our legs to stand on when keeping obligations and commitments that are necessary for the expenses. This sums it up in an even bigger picture- a whole outlookContinue reading “The sum up of a ‘To Do List’ -what’s your bigger picture ?”

Just a day of poetry in the science of things….

Science defined is any system of knowledge that is concerned with the physical world and its phenomena and that entails unbiased observations and systematic experimentation. In general, a science involves a pursuit of knowledge covering general truths or the operations of fundamental laws. —Encyclopedia Britannica Science defined is the pursuit and application of knowledge andContinue reading “Just a day of poetry in the science of things….”

Devoted Sincerely…

Wholeheartedly defined is completely and sincerely devoted, determined, or enthusiastic; without doubt When we hear, read or say words- sometimes the meaning or how it’s defined has many different levels, synonyms or symbolic in its property to our perception.And this word, happens to be one of my most favorable. I wanted to share how thisContinue reading “Devoted Sincerely…”

Therapeutically Priceless…

Therapeutic defined is a component in healing. It’s mostly seen as a treatment to a disease or as a remedial process. So hearing the word therapeutic can sometimes be a trigger or a realization that something has to be ‘wrong’ if therapy is required … right? Or it can seem like a small insignificant partContinue reading “Therapeutically Priceless…”

Is Everything a Process…?

Does Everything have to be a Process!?! Doesn’t it seem like everything is a process!?! Well, that’s because, for the most part, it is… and as much as it may be great news to some – it may be upsetting to others…it certainly teaches us patience if anything, Lol. Unfortunately if we don’t go throughContinue reading “Is Everything a Process…?”

Pay it forward to stop the self disrespecting and cruel cycle of Paybacks… 

Being struck with cruelty, we can either inflict the same on others like it’s a rite of passage or a game of punishment/ revenge called paybacks or you can decide that here is where it stops! Look at that person in the mirror, show them some self respect, learn from this, and make a choice –Continue reading “Pay it forward to stop the self disrespecting and cruel cycle of Paybacks… “

Your experience is specific to YOU…

Respect is to have an unconditional understanding of our differences…and should be a given. We can choose to live in a virtual reality and assume everyone else sees, feels, reacts and believes what we do…and that assumption is what creates a separation or disconnection-Rather than respecting each other even though we don’t agree… We allContinue reading “Your experience is specific to YOU…”

Fulfillment unto Joy with Purpose…

‘I slept and dreamt that life was joy.I awoke and saw that life was service.I acted and behold, service was joy.’-Tagore Service to others brings purpose and with purpose brings value, meaning, appreciation and fulfillment unto joy.Stop hunting for happiness – bring joy to you through finding what’s fulfilling. Trying to hunt for happiness ?Continue reading “Fulfillment unto Joy with Purpose…”

Be afraid- but face it….

Courage defined is the ability to do something that’s frightening. It’s the strength we acquire when facing fears, pain or grief. It’s to withstand and persevere through what we deem dangerous and/or difficult … morally, emotionally and mentally challenging but being brave enough to face up and to what it is we fear. We areContinue reading “Be afraid- but face it….”

Gratitude inspires you to give…

Gratitude inspires you to give. The joy is what we receive in someone’s gratefulness…it is gratitude that makes us joyful by building on what’s fulfilling. That’s the purpose.  Have you felt inspired through doing or giving to someone who is extremely grateful for it?  Feels good doesn’t it!?! And it inspires us to do it again andContinue reading “Gratitude inspires you to give…”

Think from the mind before you shoot from the hip…

Take a breath … so often we react, and chances are we ‘speak at’ instead of ‘speaking with’…Take a deep breath, let that become a first reaction. The moment our reaction of words or actions comes to our lips or motions- choose to take a deep breath or two instead, this gives you a pause.Continue reading “Think from the mind before you shoot from the hip…”

EQ- you’re smart, you’ll figure it out…

EQ, Emotional intelligence is of highest importance in relational values. Having a high IQ is an incredible tool, however most importantly having a healthy and substantial EQ makes an even bigger impact on successful relationships, careers, and in leadership. Understanding that being smart measures a different energy, talent and skill… and to understand there isContinue reading “EQ- you’re smart, you’ll figure it out…”

Catch-22 : the dilemma of no matter what you do, it’s never right and/or enough. If someone has a lack of self esteem, low self confidence and many insecurities… what you need to understand is what your future together might look like…  Instability and lack of trust within a personal foundation, means work is neededContinue reading

Collective Energy Oracles…Fears, Anger & Doubt.

Quite interesting that I pulled 3 Oracle cards from ‘The Healing Mantra’ deck with such a similar connection….So collectively this may reach and resonate for most of us Overcoming Fear – I will transcend every loss. Resolving Anger – Conflict reminds me when I need more space for myself. Destructing Doubt – Only my beliefsContinue reading “Collective Energy Oracles…Fears, Anger & Doubt.”

Wondering is Wandering…

Picture this… Wandering around a mall wondering if anything will catch your interest…passing people, stores on autopilot as the time goes by with no cause or purpose. Suddenly you have a moment of clarity- remembering something you need or want… you check the time and realize how long you’ve wasted and have other obligations toContinue reading “Wondering is Wandering…”

A whole new world of being…a Mom

Motherhood … it’s like entering a whole new world of being. To me it’s been quite a beautifully fulfilling experience. At times it’s been frightening, worrisome, exhausting, frustrating, but always such an interestingly amazing adventure each and every day. I am so grateful and honored to be a Mom.I always remember to incorporate humor intoContinue reading “A whole new world of being…a Mom”

Motherhood/ Parenting Algorithm…

‘Like all parents, my husband and I just do the best we can, and hold our breath, and hope we’ve set aside enough money topay for our kids’ therapy.’-Michelle Pfeifer Being a parent comes without instructions… We try to learn from the mistakes of our parents or those who have raised us. Learning is key.Continue reading “Motherhood/ Parenting Algorithm…”

Don’t forget to laugh…

It’s said laughing is a reaction and an emotion…and what it’s best known for is to let off steam or pent up energy as a stress relief which enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain.Evidence suggests that having a goodContinue reading “Don’t forget to laugh…”

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