Delicious Ambiguity…

Ambiguity is the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness. 

It’s something that is confusing or has more than one meaning… and everyone’s  perspective , as imperfect beings, we all digest or witness things differently.

While we are closing into a new year, what new beginnings await? Have you thought about what you might do differently this up coming year or have things come up from this past year or years, that you now view differently? Whatever is faced as an ambiguous situation- understanding that there might always be more than one interpretation. I can say that through personal experience-what seems to be, usually turns out to be something completely different- meaning, things aren’t always what they seem from beginning to end. We don’t know what we don’t know or have control over life’s lemons…. Life is full of changes, uncertainties and unknowns- this is how we get to know and understand ourselves, also others better – it’s how we grow. 

Life lesson 101, be grateful you have an ending unto this new beginning…, If our year will end differently than we had expected, this means we can then begin our new year with a different outlook and new perspective by learning from the challenges we faced or misfortunes that were bestowed.

What will your ending be for 2023? How will you choose to live your life in 2024… it’s almost time to close 2023’s door. 

Appreciate the journey awarded, by not taking time given for granted.

Georgette Thomas, Life Coach

Published by georgettet1122

Therapeutic Art and Spiritual Life Coach, Guide and Consultant

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