Harmony, its a wonderful vibe…

Harmony is defined in music as the pleasant combination of different notes of music played at the same time. Harmony is also defined as a value to humanity. The vibe of harmony carries great purpose to any foundation, trinity or duality in connecting.  For example : the trinity of mind, heart and soul; when inContinue reading “Harmony, its a wonderful vibe…”

Just a day of Language..

“Out of the quarrel with others we make rhetoric; out of the quarrel with ourselves we make poetry.”-William Butler Yeats Language barriers are more than just speaking a foreign tongue and understanding different dialects.Language barriers – even speaking the same tongue- also can mean a different dialect of personal beliefs, perspectives, descriptions, and truths throughContinue reading “Just a day of Language..”

Compliments, uncomfortably appreciated…

If the compliment given doesn’t match the way you see or feel about yourself, than it will be hard to accept or receive, feeling uncomfortable or what I call “uncomfortably appreciated.” And uncomfortable appreciation has mixtures or many different roots… from memories, shadows or past circumstances.  You may feel you are confident or a confidentContinue reading “Compliments, uncomfortably appreciated…”

Bridge the Connection…

Bridge the connection… Bridging the connection defined is a term used to connect 2 or more segments or networks… when they couldn’t possibly connect otherwise.  All individuals need connection. We are social creatures and even though we can adapt… adaptation can lead to filling voids instead of finding fulfillments.  We are creatures with a necessityContinue reading “Bridge the Connection…”

Archetype: The Illusionist…

Illusionist defined is a person who performs tricks that deceive the eye; a magician. A mentalist that performs creating illusions- making them seem real; a master magician.  I can’t speak for you, but I know I have met illusionists that never performed on stage..however has performed in my living room.. My archetype of an illusionistContinue reading “Archetype: The Illusionist…”

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