Archetypes are not labels…

In life coaching we often put aside labels…however many of us have created a way to help bring awareness and acknowledgement to our clients through what we call ‘archetypes.’ 

The archetypes I use were created solely by myself and through massive personal experience and research- which were then created only to enlighten and empower an authentic response. 

Doing personal research I have always found that the archetypes I’ve created helps others determine a certain energy, dynamic, characteristic, trait or behavior noticeably represented. This can be quite eye opening and sometimes extremely difficult to acknowledge. 

No matter what way it’s received, archetypes help raise this awareness to behaviors- helps others understand the reality, the truth- their truth-  instead of how they have been labeled by others or perceived to ‘be’ through various types of relationships, society, and family dynamics since childhood.

Our journey is consistent with relational connections….

We are born into families or have been placed into a family dynamic in some way. We have been conditioned and programmed during times we have been most vulnerable. And as you may have noticed we tend to learn so much about ourselves through our experiences with others… this is why it’s best to find authentic core qualities to enlighten our best and highest potential. 

We all want happiness, joy and peace, so to work towards living a more fulfilling life.. brings these most wanted and needed internal qualities to you when you need them most. 

So many factors distort this ‘idea of self’ – getting in the way and stumping our mental and emotional well being when being labeled. Causing a rabbit hole of fear and doubt…This can be such a treacherously hard climb out and removal process- to take away what labels have been injected into our own personal mindset… and internal virus that seems to control our way of life- and it’s especially defeating when surrounded externally by those who do not compliment your internal well being and growth. 

There’s a variety of choices to make on where you feel you stand with those around you. Instead of building up walls – boundaries need to be placed where you feel is appropriate and conducive to your network vs your tribe/soul connections…before making the decision to remove them from your space…remember authenticity is freedom and most likely if they aren’t part of your tribe – they will go away on their own. 

Archetypes are defined as a very typical example of a certain person or thing; the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype; in Jungian psychology a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches.

Reality: Archetypes can be a difficult realization…it’s about to get real! 

Getting real with yourself can be rough… however this reality check is quite empowering- we can’t change the past but we need to learn from it- so to adjust your mindset and open up in more of an outlook opposed to this mindset is opening up a new idea of what you can change now and for your future – and is exactly what will be achieved as growth. 

Yes, it’s as simple as this, once you face it- not fight, run or ignore it -but face it- this is when reality comes to light… empowerment. 


You are accountable and responsible to do what’s necessary for your growth- no one else is to blame or is responsible for your safety and well being at this point- because there is no going back. 

To acknowledge this is understanding that you have already been through it- it has already past- so now to learn from it and make a commitment to self, to become empowered and do the work on emotional care, management and growth.

When removing a mask of what ‘once was’ a hiding space/place- it is clearly recognized as a comfort zone. Being aware of it is motivation- as this final focus is attained. Now onto centering self by opening up to a long overdo ‘self discovery.’  This is freedom, but allowing you to grasp new ideas of something bigger and more fulfilling about yourself and for yourself. Climbing out of the hole and into the light toward a healthier emotional well being and a much healthier authentic lifestyle… inside and out.

Enjoy, Georgette Thomas 🌹

Published by georgettet1122

Therapeutic Art and Spiritual Life Coach, Guide and Consultant

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